Auto Attendant

Business Plans

Our Services

Give your business a professional voice. We can make your business sound as big as you wish.

Our IVR auto attendant services are purely customized to your requirements.

To listen to our sample client aouto attendant, please call 1 647-476-4435.

Our service range below comes with either a toll-free number or local number. All our phone numbers are built to support text and fax.

 PriceFree MinutesAuto ExtensionsNumbers (Tollfree or Local)Extra Minutes
Standard$ 4.95 0NoneVoice Mail4.5c
Gold$ 9.95 200UnlimitedAll Included4.5c
Platinum$ 19.95 500UnlimitedAll Included4.5c

Latest news

  • November 11, 20014

    GLADVOIP partners with Zoiper to launch phone App for Android, iOS and Windows. About Zoiper

  • November 15, 2009

    GLADVOIP launches a new WEB 2.0 Website...more

  • October 29, 2009

    GLADVOIP releases Flash2Callback, a feature that enable customers with limited out-going calls on their cell phones to make calls by receiving callbacks from the GLADVOIP server...more

  • September 19, 2009

    Thornedge Insurance selects GLADVOIP as its main VOIP Service Provider. This is a long term partnership between thornedge Insurance and GLAVOIP...more

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Note: Rates exclude high-speed Internet service. Other fees may apply. Device may be refurbished. A disconnection fee of $29.99 will apply for cancellation before 1 year for plans. ATA device is not included for non-plan and there is a surcharge of 0.011 cents for inbound calls. Disconnection and other fees refunded for customers that qualify for money back guarantee. Your money back guarantee period and billing start on the date of your order. If you cancel within your money back guarantee period, you must return the device. If you cancel after the money back guarantee period and within 1 year of your order date, you will be charged a rebate recovery fee equal to the amount of the rebate initially given to you for the equipment. There is no 911 service with GLADVOIP. High-speed Internet required. Alarms, TTY and other systems may not be compatible. 30-day money back guarantee is refunded for any paid activation fee, 1st month service charge, initial shipping charges and termination fee.